Thursday, November 20, 2008


Ha, you thought I was dead didn't you. Lets be honest now its been like two fucking years since I've posted here and most of you are long gone. I'll fess up to something between the two of us if you can keep a secret. I forgot my damn password, oh I also forgot which user account I created this god forsaken pity party with so signing on to bitch and moan wasn't really an option.

My my my, how the world has changed in two short years. I could remunerate all that's happened to us as a society, country or just bitch about my life as an individual but I'll spare you the things you already know. I wonder if the links on my sidebar even work anymore...

Work days are still filled with countless hours spent trying to look busier then I actually am so I can avoid getting fired or doing real work. I piss away time on the internet and shuffle through papers so as to appear like I'm doing what they pay me for. Sometimes I wonder how many other people do the same thing I do at their sad corporate cubicles. I'm sure its more of my co-workers then I could imagine. I love walking by people's computers to see what they are buying, where they are going or who they wish they were. Other people's internet usage is a rare glimpse into personality and preference. I mean think about it, where else can you find some one's interests, buying habits, desires, and amusement all in one little address bar? If one were to look at my browsing habits they would most definitely see me for the sad little sociopath wannabe that I am but I'm smart enough to have a privacy filter on my monitor and to lock my computer when not in use...

How much did you really miss me?