Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Choices and consequences

I am going to start my MBA in September. I have made the decision to do this with or without my bosses approval on my tuition reimbursement. I will attend a public university in New York City with a decent reputation for it's part time study program. If my boss does decide to give me the approval I so desperately need I will attend one of two high ranking private universities in New York. I can't waffle anymore, the sooner I finish my studies the sooner I can get out of here.

This decision came to me through a series of events that occurred last week. It was performance review time and I was shocked to see what was written about me. Now mind you I may not have the most important position in this department, but god damn I work hard and I put in extra time every week no fail. I do more then is expected and I assist anyone who needs it. In short I am appreciated by almost everyone I work with. When I had a chance to browse my review I saw the cutting words. Adequate! I don't even know what that means! (Well technically I know what it means, but you get what I'm saying.) I don't do adequate, I do well, I do good, I do excellent or I don't do at all. I fired off an email to my boss asking for an explanation and he blew me off. He went so far as to call other people to ask me questions like we were in grade school or something.

Simmering in my anger I made the decision, I wanted out. The fastest way to accomplish this is to achieve what I started this process for in the first place. I'm going to do it with or without help. No more red tape for me, if I can't cut through it I'll simply walk around it.


Blogger Miss Devylish said...

I'm not defending what he wrote, but I've worked for many companies where they simply aren't truthful about your performance so they don't have to give you a great increase in pay - and you have something to strive for later.. it's politics and stupid.. and simply drops the floor out from underneath you if you're a good employee.. sorry dear.. he sucks.

8:54 PM  

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