Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am not alone!

This is the post that is supposed to make me look good. This conversation took place today, all names have been changed to protect the innocent and to assure I don't loose my job.

Erik; Between me and you, I tried to fly away but it didn't work out and I don't know why

-t-; What happened?

Erik; Who knows, I thought it was a done deal and now I feel like an idiot

-t-; Fly where?

Erik; A hedge fund

Erik; Don't tell anyone, (obviously he doesn't know me that well.)

-t-; When did it fall through?

Erik; This morning, the thing is if anything I was overqualified. (sigh, I know how he feels)

-t-; Sometimes all they want is a drone, (hmm, I wonder where that statement came from?)

Erik; Yeah, but hedge funds give out crazy pay, this really sucks, oh well

-t-: There will always be something else. And its not like you jumped before you tried your wings out.

Erik; um... I wish that were the case

-t-; Oh, dear, well...

Erik; I got a job at the ISE, during my internship, I signed the papers and then ____ convinced me to stay and hired me full time. (For those that need clarification ISE = International Stock Exchange)

-t-; Oh, so what happens now?

Erik; See, I can cement myself further as an IT guy...


Erik; or I will have to do it forever and make 100K max when I am like 35

-t-: You say that like 100K is a bad thing . Would you work here in another department?

Erik; Yes

-t-; So try to make it happen.

Erik; Can't, I'm a support guy.

-t-; What needs to be done to make it happen?

Erik; Trust me all these traders say "let's grab a drink sometime" It's all BC.

-t-; Well bullshit is what they do for a living. What do you need to do this for a living?

Erik; An excellent education from ivy league or a really good connection.

-t-; Even in this bank you need a prestigious degree?

Erik; Not always, experience, or French. Its just that I have friends making 100K now.

-t-; So what ? They all burnout before 40, you are young, don't rush adulthood, don't compare yourself to people who have it better, and besides it's not like you're working at McDonalds. Stay for awhile, take out a loan and go to classes at night get the degree that will get you the job you want.

Erik; I know.

-t-; No matter how much money you make someone you know will be making more .

Erik; That's what my cousin said.

-t-; And if you always look to what other people have, you'll never be happy with what you've got.

Erik; I know I don't have it horrible, but I could do more I think...See if I am not making a lot o f $ at least I can have interest in what I do.

-t; I mean look at me, I hope I'm not peaking with this job.

Erik; You're not.

-t-; This place is simply a means to an end...

Erik; I'm sure you could do other jobs too.

-t-; You suffer a bit but you will appreciate it more when you get where you want to be. My boss doesn't think I can count to 20 with my shoes on.

Erik; Why?

-t-; Cause I'm young, female, passive.

Erik; Its messed up.

-t-; As far as he's concerned my job is to be around until I get married and knocked up. But I do love the dental insurance

Erik; The people in my group and I used to not get along, but now we're friends.

-t-; Well you should use my policy, I hate everyone equally, but no one knows it.

Erik: Nice.

-t-; I never said I was. Erik, don't worry too much about what's happening in the future, do what you need to do for you. This is a temporary situation we are in.

Erik; Thanks -t-...

-t-; You have the drive and the ability to make it happen. It just won't happen overnight. But it will happen. Don't walk around like the living dead I see everyday here in the halls, don't resign yourself, but don't beat yourself up either. You have a steady job with decent benefits with a company that looks impressive on a resume. You're doing better then 50% of people your age, you don't live at home, you don't mooch off your parents, you're doing things independently. Don't compare yourself to the so-called "elite" I know many of them and they live these horrible draining lives. Always talking about how much money they have, how much property they have, what kind of cars they drive. Its empty. But if you want to do these things do them because they interest you and you would do them even if they paid less then what you get now. More satisfaction comes from what you do then what you make.

Erik; You're a sweetheart.

-t-; Thanks, by the way don't tell anyone. I still hate you, I hate everyone!

Erik; Nice...

-t-; Sorry, I couldn't be sappy forever you know. I keep emotions out of the work place, unless its hate.

Erik; Little tyrant.

-t-; Yeah, well I abuse what power I do have on a daily basis. Erik, feel better.

Erik; Thanks

-t-;You probably would have been bored if you were over qualified anyway...

Erik; but rich...

-t-; but bored...

Erik; you got me.

Maybe it's time I start to take my own advice.


Blogger Miss Devylish said...

You give very good advice, you know that? I read your comments ages before your blog and of course ages before you commented on mine.. you are of sound mind, my dear girl.. very very sound.. not to mention, probably an old soul.. I can just feel it.

12:38 AM  

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