Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Dropping Like Flies

Its that time of year again folks. No, I'm not talking about spring or daylight savings, its the time of year where my co-workers flee the bank like the Jews escaping from Egypt. They pack their things, tie their bread to their backs and wait at the marina downstairs for the Hudson river to part so they can make their way back to the promised land (NYC for those who don't know.) Four resignations in two weeks, well people I know, if you count everyone its more like 36.

This happens every year. Bonuses come out in mid March and once that wire transfer is completed the job hunt begins. Some leave for greener pastures, some leave because they can't deal with the French, but mostly its for the love of money. One woman's salary jumped $30,000 a year once she took her new position. The company has a good reputation of countering offers if they think your worth the money. This winds up in associates who answer to VP's who make less money then them. Ah business it all just makes perfect sense don't it.


Blogger Miss Devylish said...

I have no concept of that at all.. wow. Oh and love the Jews/Egypt lines.. girl.. that's good.

2:00 AM  

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