Tuesday, April 25, 2006

No Way Out

I posted my resume and sat back waiting for the calls to come rolling in. The one thing I made very clear in my bio was that I was no longer interested in finance, banking, or any sort of financial industries. My BA is in Poli Sci/ English Writing and I sit on the board of directors for a charity so I figured I may as well try a new field seeing as how before I started working here I had no ties to accounting or finance.

The first call came the next morning at 7:30 AM, it was a recruiter who struggled to sound professional. He mangled the English language, inflections of a previous life smoking blunts and macking on shorties straining through his selection of words and tonalities, and then and there I realized I wanted nothing to do with him. The next one called at work, a perky thing on Park Avenue who couldn't grasp the no finance clause.

"I have a great opening, they're looking to fill ASAP, Citigroup..."

"Not interested I'm sorry."

"Good benefits high salary..."

"No financial jobs please go re-read my resume, I specified this as best I could."

"Well we have other openings, please see me on Tuesday 5PM."

I agreed to the appointment but I'm not going. The thing about recruiters is they're selling you as a product. When a car salesman talks you into buying the 16 disk changer you don't need, he's doing it to make a buck. I know the money's in finance right now and she may give me a few throw away interviews but when it comes down to it she's gonna push me into whatever field is going to pay her the most for my soul.

The third one called that afternoon, a smoker probably in her late 50's with a raspy voice and Brooklyn accent.

"-t- I saw your resume and I have a great opeining at Morgan Stanley I'd like to send you on."

I didn't even care at this point, I agreed and played the game. I stood her up yesterday morning and she called be four times to find out why. Taking pity on what was probably an emphysema case, I returned her call.

"I'm sorry I missed my appointment, it's just that I've made a conscious decision not to work in finance any more. I've specified on my resume that it's not for me."

"Honey..." She interrupted..."That's where it is right now, if you're going to leave one company you're just going to trade up in salary until you make what's comfortable and then when you retire you can pursue nobler causes."

That's it my life, summed up by one chain smoked saleswoman, I have at least 25 more years of this to look forward to.


Blogger Miss Devylish said...

That last part sort of reminded me of the acting agent Joey, from Friends, had.. Ahh girl.. I so hope you find something w/ a ray of light in it for you that doesn't make you feel all droney and unhappy.

Thanks for your comment.. would love to email you back, but it keeps getting sent back to me.. Do you have another email? Lemme know if/when you have time. missdevylish@gmail.com

hugs to you!

12:23 PM  

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